Saturday, July 26, 2014

Proper Health Care for Babies


Babies are blessings. That is why most people become excited when a new baby joins the family. This is not only felt by the parents, but also by the family members around. It is only natural that you'd want to take care of your baby and give the best to them.

That is why, it is very important that you provide your baby with proper health care. Health care for babies does not only pertain to following check-up schedules or having them get their required vaccination shots. It also involves on how you handle your baby on a daily basis, giving them baths, taking care of their skin care needs, etc.

 When you are taking care of an infant or a newborn baby, here are some things that you might need to know about:

 1. Keeping their umbilicus clean and free from infection - During the first days to the first week of life, your baby's belly button will look like a stump, since this is where the umbilical cord was cut. However, you should treat this area as wound. You should keep it clean and dry until the stump falls off. It is important that you clean it during baths and when you change the baby's diaper. If it develops a foul smell and/or has pus like fluid coming out, you should refer this immediately to a doctor, since these are signs of infection.

 2. Baby skin care - Babies have very sensitive skin which will react adversely to chemicals. When giving your baby a bath, you should make sure that you use products that are mild and safe for your baby's skin. You should also keep your baby's skin moisturized by using natural oils, rather than commercially sold lotions and creams.

You should also avoid using petroleum jelly. Though it was used a lot for baby care in the past, you should use milder products. Remember, the more natural the contents of the products that you use, the better it is to use for your baby.

 3. Holding your baby - For first-time parents, it is very important that you learn how to hold or carry your baby correctly. You can ask the health care providers in the hospital on how to properly hold your baby. You should hold your baby gently. Avoid shaking your baby, even during the times when you might become frustrated when he/she doesn't stop crying.

Shaking your baby is not advisable. Also, you should provide support for the baby's entire body, especially along the neck and the head. The neck muscles of babies are not yet well-developed, so they are unable to support the weight of their own head. You should hold and cuddle your baby as much as possible, as this will also help create a stronger bond between you and your baby.

 4. Giving your baby appropriate food or formula - Your baby will require milk most especially in the earlier months. Make sure that you provide him/her with a milk formula that is appropriate for his/her age. Some babies may have trouble digesting certain formulas, as characterized by diarrhea or hard stool. The safest and most recommended way to feed your baby is through breastfeeding, as it allows your baby to get the nutrients that he/she needs without any risk of indigestion and other problems.
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Baby Care Tips - Your Baby's Health Care


Most of the time when people talk about Baby Care Tips what they mean is health care tips for the baby. Everyone has some particular personal wisdom to impart from their child-rearing days. They want to be sure you benefit from their experience. That is not bad. Just listen carefully, some of what they say is not appropriate for today. Many people continue to use vasoline petroleum jelly for a variety of baby care needs. Honestly, it did not kill us. But we know more about petroleum products now than we did when many of my siblings were babies.

 Today petro products are not often recommended for baby care. Your baby's skin is still developing. You can find many more gentle products available for natural baby care. If you are a new parent and have never held a baby before, be gentle . Give your baby support from top to bottom. Your baby's neck muscles are not strong enough to support the weight of her own head yet, so do not let her head fall back.

You can ask the health care people at the hospital to coach you so you are not yanking the infant around by arms or feet by default. NEVER NEVER shake a baby. Even if you are frustrated because your baby will not stop crying. Especially in situations like that! Shaking your baby results in giving its brain a bashing on the inside of its skull.

 That can cause short or long term damage depending on how badly the infant was injured. Besides, it will hurt your baby and major crying will follow, so it is self-defeating too. It is considered a form of child endangerment today. That is obviously not good baby care. When you put your baby down to sleep, be sure you have her lying on her back .

That will minimize the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.). This simple baby health care [] tip has saved many lives and a lot of grief. Perhaps the best baby care tips I can offer are to provide a safe environment for your infant, remember they wiggle and squirm. Be sure there is food, water and shelter from the blazing sun for her.

Hold your baby as much as possible and provide necessary hygiene when you are cleaning up her wastes. Give your baby love and gentle care and these basics and you have a great foundation for building sensible and strong baby health care practices into your life.
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Health Care For Babies


You should give primary importance to the health of your baby from the time of pregnancy till the baby grows up. Health care is very important when it comes to babies since they are very delicate and sensitive to chemicals and other micro organisms. Good healthy nutrient diet and safe products are very essential for a good health of your baby. A healthy baby can sleep well and good sleeping ensures growth. So make sure you provide the best you can to your baby.

Things to be kept in mind while considering the health of your baby are use of organic products, use of products that contain less chemicals and mild ingredients, feeding the best nutritive food and ensuring a good skin care. A new born baby should be taken care of very carefully and cautiously. The first one month is very important and utmost care should be taken when the umbilical cord is yet to fall.

 It should be kept dry and clean. Apply oils or creams prescribed by your doctor to keep it out of infection. If you notice any problem in the umbilical cord or any bad odor, you should immediately consult your doctor. The most important thing in baby care is breast feeding. It is very good for the health of the baby. It makes the baby healthy and it can provide all the required nutrients. When your baby stops drinking your milk, consult your doctor and follow what they say in a very strict manner.

 Some changes that indicate that your baby is not healthy are continuous cry, improper sleeping, eating insufficiently, dull face, not playful, not active, behaving abnormally and several small things like this. If you notice any of these signs, check what the problem and do the necessary measures. If a baby cries continuously, it can be due to several reasons.

 A baby cries when it is hungry, when the diaper is wet, when the diaper is itchy, uncomfortable clothing, pain, uneasiness or stomach pain. Try to figure out the reason and do the right thing to stop your baby from crying. Continuous crying can make your baby weak. If the baby is crying due to uneasiness, change the clothes and change the diaper frequently.

Use of cloth diaper can ensure comfort. Some serious problems that require immediate attention are severe diarrhea, blood in urine, discoloration of excretion, high temperature, unusual cry, trouble in breathing and shivering. These can be very serious problems and immediate medical attention is very necessary.

 Diarrhea is very serious problem since the fluid present can come out very quickly therefore give oral electrolytes and then consult the doctor. Use medicines prescribed by your doctor and do not give medicines on your own. Ensure healthy diet and safe environment.
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Health care for babies does not only pertain to following check-up schedules or having them get their required vaccination shots. It also involves on how you handle your baby on a daily basis, giving them baths, taking care of their skin care needs, etc. When you are taking care of an infant or a newborn baby, here are some things that you might need to know about

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